Pop-Up Sports Events...
Knowing how time consuming organising and preparing for whole school events can be, we at Pop-Up Sports can collaborate with your school to provide an event to be remembered.
Whether you’re looking to remove the hassle of organising your school sports day, generate some income through a fundraiser or champion a physical and healthy lifestyle day for your children we will be pleased to work with you.
At Pop-Up Sports we pride ourselves on creating the wow factor within all our programmes. All our competitions will maximise fun and participation, whilst developing the ability to win and lose respectfully, perfectly meeting the needs of Ofsted and sports premium funding.
Our professional coaches can run sessions introducing skills, rules and tactics during curricular lessons or work with select children during extra-curricular sessions preparing the ‘team’ for the competition to follow.
With many ways to increase competitions within your school, we are confident we have a solution for you.
Holiday Sports Camps...
Our holiday camp programmes cater for children from the age of 5 to 12. Our camp programmes help children to develop confidence, self-esteem, social skills and more.
With the possibility for our coaches to run camps throughout every school holiday what better way to maintain activity levels, whilst generating an added source of income through the hire of your school facilities.
Other Services Available: